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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 蛛形纲;Arachnida » 柄腹亚纲 » 蜘蛛目 » 幽灵蛛科 »

学名:Pholcus wuling
Male (holotype). Total length 5.28 (5.68 with clypeus), carapace width 1.92. Leg 1 lost, leg 2 lost except femur: 14.71, leg 3: 32.69 (9.42, 0.71, 8.14, 12.85, 1.57), leg 4: 40.26(11.42, 0.71, 10.71, 17.42,-). Carapace yellowish, with brown radiated stripes and brown marginal band; ocular area yellowish, with brown band at median and laterally; clypeus yellowish, with brownish marks; stermum brown. Opisthosoma gray, with some spots dorsally and laterally. Distance PME- PME 0.27; diameter PME 0. 16; distance PME-ALE 0.05; diameter AME 0.09. Chelicerae as in figs 14C, D, with pair of black apophyses distally, pair of unsclerotized apophyses proximolaterally, and pair of slender up-directed prominences frontally. uncus basally with a narrow process; trochanter short, strongly bulgedretrolaterally. Legs yellow, but dark brown on basal part of tibiae, with indistinct darker rings on femora (subdistally) and tibiae (subdistally), without spines, curved and vertical hairs.Females: In general similar to males,but legs yellowish, with more distinct darker rings than in male. Tibia 1: 8.99 (only one specimen with leg 1).brown with distinctive pattern; with a very short worm-shaped knob.